Worldspace FireEyes Comments Page
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This page has an open comments section where you can post comments, suggestions and questions about Worldspace FireEyes
Product Description | Download FireEyes | FireEyes User Guides | FAQ | Comments Page |
This page has an open comments section where you can post comments, suggestions and questions about Worldspace FireEyes
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Hi, for me the extension doesn’t work with FF 3.6.6 on osX (and can’t open firebug panel anymore and make disappear the webdeveloper toolbar extension)
Aurélien Levy
We have noticed that there is incompatibility with the Web Developer toolbar and WAVE and are working on a solution.
If the Firebug panel does not open, then you should check to see that Java is installed correctly as lack of functioning Java can cause FireEyes to not load correctly and this can sometimes cause Firebug to fail to initialize.
As of July 21, the incompatibilities with the Web Developer Toolbar and WAVE have been fixed. The extension has been tested and works with OS X 10.5 and 10.6 and Firefox 3.5 and 3.6. If your mileage varies, please report it as a bug using the bug report form.
Are there plans to update to get the add on working (ability to be installed) in Firefox 4 ?
We are working on support for Firefox 4. Stay tuned.
I just installed FireEyes yesterday and I’m not seeing a Projects Tab show up. I have current document, report, script, settings, accounts, and SimulAT — even when I log in on the account page (“Enter your Worldspace FireEyes server credentials in order to load your projects, upload and download issues and scripts, and share your work with colleagues.”) it shows that I’m logged in on the upper right but I still have the same page with the “Update and login” button
The projects have been moved to the server. Login to the server and click “Home”. Then click “New”->”Project” in the left navigation. Now from the extension, the project will be visible in when you click the “Switch” button.
Scott, not sure you have noticed, but the current version of FireEyes now supports Firefox 4. Download and let us know what you think.
Does FireEyes work with Java 1.6? When I check the FireFox addons page, the listing under FireEyes includes the message “Requires Additional Items”.
I am having the same problem as Brian. I am running FF 3.6.17, and I get the same “Requires Additional Items” message for the FireEyes 0.9.10 version. I have java plug in 1.6.0_25 enabled. I am running Firebug 1.7.2. What am I missing?
When will Fire Eyes be Firefox 5 compliant?
I have some problems with this whole webiste/company:
They say “ending the discrimination on the web”, but indeed I feel disciminated by this company, because with my Firefox and German as priority language it is not possible to register for an account, because of an script error in the registration.
Secondly I feel disciminated, because I have to register for a software that is free to download – for what? For spamming me? Or for allowing hackers to stole my email from this website for spamming? I assume that, because the registration email contains the password I choose myself unencrypted. So everone on the internet could have read it!
After these two things I will also assume, that there are other holes like SQL injections and XSS that will be possible with this site.
Thats all not acceptable from my point of view!
Thank you for your comments… As I mentioned to you when you contacted support I did investigate and we will be removing the password from the return email.
We have also resolved the issue with registration when the default language is not set to English.
These fixes will go out in the next major update. We appreciate any and all feedback.
We do require user registration via email for several reasons most of which have to do with our enterprise level customers who have access to their own organizations, custom rules and advanced reporting.
We do test and follow industry standards when it comes to security so thank you again for your comments.
David R. Musser
Vice President, Customer Success
“At the end of the day it’s about delivering value”
Can anyone confirm that the visual contrast engine does not deal with antialiased fonts particularly well? I’m seeing about 1/2 of the contrast ratio that I calculate manually. Thanks.
Is this the add-on I need to prevent my Firefox 7.0.1. from performing gets on and similar ones I program it to stay clear of?
Thanks to anyone…
FireEyes not running under FireFox 8 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 …
Worldspace FireEyes cannot load Java code that is required for it to function. Please verify that you have a Java plugin installed and enabled for Firefox. Refer to for troubleshooting.
Is there a limit on the number of issues that can be downloaded to excel or a csv file? I have a project that currently has about 1,000 issues. If I select all and try to download to excel or csv, the server never completes the download (I gave up after about 30 minutes).
I could get the excel download to work if I only selected one page of issues (10 issues) but if I selected an additional 10 issues, I got an error.
Using the csv download, I could get 100 records, by selecting all on a page, for 10 pages. But when I filtered for one section of the project, returning 300 records, the download never completed (it’s been “waiting for…” for the last 15 minutes.
When analysis is completed, the project may have another 1,000 issues, and this is not a practical way to manage them.
Why would fireyes give an error for
is this not a valid locale?
Sorry code didn’t come through lang=”en_US”
I am not able to see the project and share tabs. How should i fix this?
Wondering how do I enable the engine to work on a group of pages at a time. I have a whole subdomain I need reviewed. How do I set this up?
Hey Justine,
We are sorry we are just getting back to you. This question has been submitted to our engineers, and we will get you an answer. Thank you for your patience!
Scott – we apologize for the delay in response. This message was accidentally hidden. Did you ever get an answer to your questions? Do you still need any assistance?
I have noticed that fireEyes will not analyze a jQuery UI modal overlay on launch. Is there a setting that I am not checking to ensure that the plug in recognizes it? I am also using Firefox 11, not sure if that would also cause any issues.
Hi Chris,
We have forwarded this message to our developers, and should have an answer to you within a few days (due to the weekend).
That feature is available to our Worldspace Sync customers. Utilizing Worldspace Sync you are able to configure scans at different levels of your web site and applications. If you would like more information please let us know.
The projects tab was moved and is now called switch. That is where you are able to switch to the different projects.
Also, projects are now shared via the Worldspace GUI and not in FireEyes directly. From the Project Summary in the Worldspace GUI select the invite option to add users to a project.
Language-Tag = Primary-tag *( “-” Subtag )
Primary-tag = 1*8ALPHA
Subtag = 1*8ALPHA
So yes, en-us is correct whereas en_us is not correct.
What is the function of SimulAT Tab in Fireeyes?
Is there an update to FireEyes? Cannot manually scan web pages (Current Document). Color, order, ARIA scanning works fine, but not the “Now” for Section 508 scanning. Updated Java and Firefox.
Will you publish earlier beta versions for download on your website or allow other servers/sites to host those for download? My team is hoping to roll back to version 0.9.14 but cannot find it available on your website or anywhere else.
Hi Ryan – For the public server we will not be rolling back to the earlier .0.9.14. FireEyes needs to communicate with a Worldspace Sync server and the .0.9.14 is not compatible with the Worldspace Sync release. There are many enhancements in the latest release, including added browser support; as well as better detection of issues. So we are encouraging all of our free users to upgrade.
Very sorry to see the DeQue Compliance tool go away. It was a great quick check for pages. FireEyes is much more problematic on a Mac; particularly when you don’t want to see “real time” errors.
Is the new version of FireEyes supposed to provide focus analysis? I keep getting the message that “Focus analysis is not currently supported for Firefox 4 browsers on Windows operating systems, due to an incompatibility with the newest version of the Firefox browser. We hope to correct this in a subsequent release. For now, you may perform this analyis with Firefox 3.6 on Windows, or with Firefox 3.6 or 4.0 on Mac OS.”
This bug is something that is in Mozilla Firefox and we have submitted an issue. They have not fixed this as of FireFox 17 but we are still monitoring this.
I’m having trouble getting Java to work properly with the FireEyes 1.0.23 with Firefox 18.01 on Windows 7 with Java Plugin 6.0.380.5. Even though the plugin is working properly (as verified by, I get the error message “Java initialization failed! Use one browser window only!”. Any ideas what might be causing this?
FYI, I get this message even when one browser window (with one tab) is open.
Dear Kito,
I’ve forwarded your comment to our support system. Someone should be getting in touch with you shortly. Thanks for getting in touch!
Caitlin Cashin
Deque Systems
Caitlin, I still haven’t heard anything…
Dear Kito,
I will check in on your query. For now, we do currently have a workaround for FireEyes on the download and FAQ pages (under “Notes”>”Working Configuration”):
We are in the process of working on a Java-free FireEyes, but, for now, the above install does work. You may want to give that a shot. I apologize for the delay.
I am using the “Working Configuration” @ and still get locked up as soon as I select the firebug icon. : (
I figured out the problem. After uninstalling Firefox, I needed to delete the program files because they were causing the problems with the lock up issue. After deleting and installing the work around configuration, I’m back up and running again.
I am also having same issue as “Java initialization failed! Use one browser window only!”. Any fix available?
I am using FireEyes v1.0.22 (with Firefox v15.0.1, Firebug v1.10.6,,Java SE 7 Update 1 in windows 7). I get the same error message “Java initialization failed! Use one browser window only!” Any idea what is causing this?
I have created two “organization” projects in WorldSpace Sync. I would like to make them available to others but when I go to the Project Settings page I do not see the “+ Invite” link that is shown in your help file. The “+ Clone” link is also not available. The “+ Delete” link is the only one of the three links shown in the help file that are displayed in my projects. How do I get the Clone and Invite links to appear?
Thank you for the question. You appear to be an enterprise user of WorldSpace. That option for an organizational project is only available to those customers. Organizational projects allow you to control who has access to them under the project settings for Administrators, and also as members of a group for sharing.
Since Organizational projects do not need a clone feature as they have the ability to have specific organization standards that work on all new projects this functionality is not enabled on those types of projects.
I suggest you contact our helpdesk at or your project manager for Deque and they can work with you to help you get the system configured.
How can I add localhost site as a domain? When I enter the address I get error saying: “Please enter valid domain”