Axe-con logo and the arms of 5 different people coming together around a heart
Axe-con logo next to a rocket ship blasting off
Movie credits thanking Laura Goslin, Grace Kirkley, Liz Moore, Brandy Shippey, Melanie Philipp, Glenda Sims, Sathish Kumar, Neeraj Chouksey, Sam Jeong, Josh McClure, Reena Bharti, Travis Marasca, Katie Olson, David Dauber, Lianne Chan, Noah Mashni, Aparna Pasi, Traci Stevenson, Ali Kawsan and Naveesha Maharaj.
axe-con: building accessible experiences. Virtual conference: March 10-11. 2021
axe-hackathon, march 16, 2019, Anaheim, Accessibility is a team sport