Deque releases axe-core 4.1
Today Deque released version 4.1.0 of axe-core. The goal of this release was to address long-standing issues and gaps. This involved adding several new rules…
What is Section 508 and why does it matter?
Deque Releases axe™ Accessibility Testing Tool for Microsoft’s New Edge Browser
Angular Component Libraries and Accessibility
Axe™ Updates: New Consolidated User Experience
What to Expect From WCAG 2.2
Audit Revealed 43 States’ Vote-By-Mail Application Forms Not Accessible to Many with Disabilities, as Deadlines Loom
Accessible Routing in JavaScript Frameworks
How do the new iOS 14 accessibility features stack up?
This past week, Apple released iOS 14 which includes new features such as Widgets, Back Tap and the ability for VoiceControl and VoiceOver to be…