Screenshots of the new color contrast analyzer tool in the axe DevTools extension showing (1) the tool has found color contrast issues that need further review, (2) the tool using machine learning to see if any issues can be resolved automatically, and (3) the results: some issues were resolved, some were move to automatic issues, and some still need to be manually reviewed.

Axe DevTools Extension Update: New Color Contrast Analyzer

With this release, Pro users can now leverage the power of our machine learning algorithms to determine if any “needs review” color contrast issues are, in fact, are issues or not.
Illustration of person looking at arrows asking where to go with one arrow pointing to an accessibility symbol

I’ve received the results of my accessibility audit – now what?

Most organizations start their digital accessibility journey with an audit. While an audit is a great first step, it can be difficult to interpret audit results and prioritize issues. Let's discuss the best next steps after an accessibility audit.