A developer and designer collaborating together
A form that has labels pointing to form labels, placeholder text, form field, and hints with the davinci picture of the accessibility man
AI and accessibility symbols in an illustrated banner
A frustrated user
The axe DevTools Mobile dashboard and a mobile phone that says "Test Any App" with the following logos: React, Flutter, Ionic, Xamarin, SwiftUI, Swift, Kotlin, and Jetpack Compose.
Accessibility Goodies from WWDC 2023 banner with iPhones that have accessibility symbols on it
Screenshot of pull request getting checked for accessibility bugs before getting merged using axe DevTools Linter.
The React logo combined with the Accessibility icon
Screenshot of the the Share Test Record overview page which contains a breakdown of all testing done within a given saved test in the axe DevTools extension.
Illustration of a comparative accessibility report showing the number of issues by build for 3 different builds.
Axe DevTools browser extension welcome screen displaying "Start and Intelligent Guided Test" with a "New" banner on the Table IGT that's now next to existing Keyboard and Modal Dialog IGTs.
Illustration of hands and arrows pointing and clicking.