Illustration of a man working at a computer. Speech bubbles with accessibility and Global Accessibility Awareness Day Icons pop out.
Movie credits thanking Laura Goslin, Grace Kirkley, Liz Moore, Brandy Shippey, Melanie Philipp, Glenda Sims, Sathish Kumar, Neeraj Chouksey, Sam Jeong, Josh McClure, Reena Bharti, Travis Marasca, Katie Olson, David Dauber, Lianne Chan, Noah Mashni, Aparna Pasi, Traci Stevenson, Ali Kawsan and Naveesha Maharaj.
Robot on customer service call with accessibility symbol in the thought bubble
Illustration of an arm extending a microphone. Expedia's logo sits in the top left corner, with chat bubbles in the bottom right.
Illustration of a person using a computer to host a video call with six other people. The words beside say, "Accessible Virtual Meetings."
Illustration of the wordpress logo filled with little accessibility logos
Image of a cursor icon hovering over "click here" text
Comic book style graphic with frustrated woman and the thought bubble infinite scrolling & role=feed, accessibility issues
Picture of person talking about accessibility talking to a group of devs
a11y puzzle piece fitting into a puzzle
Google search bot looking at accessibility
Third-party vendor management with accessibility and suppliers icons