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After receiving numerous feature requests relating to exporting an entire saved test and all of its issues, we are excited to ship that very feature in the axe DevTools v4.21 extension release!

Updates to Export Feature

Prior to v4.21, users could export issues for a single automated scan or saved test, which facilitates importing those issues into your issue tracking systems. Now, in addition to the issue export, Pro users can also export data for their entire saved test in JSON format.

This export will allow you to see the full picture for all of your automated and guided testing, which is especially useful for users working at organizations who need to keep thorough accessibility testing records.

How to Export a Saved Test

To export a saved test, simply:

1.) Navigate to any saved test and click “EXPORT”

Screenshot he axe DevTools browser extension highlighting the "EXPORT" button.

2.) Select “Saved test and issues” and then click “EXPORT”

Screenshot of the Export modal in the axe DevTools extension highlighting the new option for Pro users to export "Saved test and issues".

Watch this quick demo video to see what the Export feature can do for axe DevTools Pro users.

Export feature - axe DevTools Extension

Saved Test JSON Export Data

The saved test and issues JSON export consists of the following:

Property name Description
allIssues An array of issue data containing the following properties:
  • created_at (date/time the issue was created)
  • description (description of issue)
  • found_by (email of user who found the issue)
  • help (additional information about the issue)
  • help_url (URL of associated accessibility rule page)
  • id (the id of the issue)
  • impact (the impact/severity of the issue)
  • is_manual (whether or not the issue was found in an Intelligent Guided Test™(IGT))
  • manifest_guide (the IGT in which the issue was raised)
  • manifest_id (the id of the IGT manifest)
  • needs_review (whether or not the issue needs review)
  • related_nodes (any nodes related to the issue)
  • remediation (information on how to remediate the issue)
  • rule (the identifier for the accessibility rule which failed)
  • screenshot_id (the id of the issue screenshot)
  • selector (the unique selector for the issue’s element)
  • shared_with (who the issue is shared with. Value will be null if issue has not been shared, and will be ‘anyone’ if shared)
  • source (the HTML source code for the issue’s element)
  • summary (a summary of the issue)
  • tags (an array of the issue’s tags. It contains information pertaining to associated wcag levels, categories, and best practices)
  • test_id (the id of the saved test which the issue belongs to)
  • test_name (the name of the saved test which the issue belongs to)
  • updated_at (when the saved test was last updated)
  • user_id (the id of the user who saved the test)
  • variant (the type of issue – “violation” or “best-practice”)
axeVersion The version of axe-core used for the saved test.
bestPracticesEnabled If best practices were enabled at the time of export.
extensionVersion The version of the extension at the time of export.
failedRules An array of failed accessibility rule objects containing the following properties:
  • name (the name of the accessibility rule)
  • count (how many times the given issue was raised in saved test)
  • mode (how the issue was found – “automated” or “manual”)
igtSummary An array containing a breakdown of each Intelligent Guided Test™ (IGT) containing the following properties:
  • name (the name of the IGT)
  • relevantNodesFound (whether or not relevant elements were found within the page or scope)
  • run (whether or not the IGT was run)
  • skipped (whether or not the tool was skipped)
  • tool (the type of IGT – e.g. “Keyboard”)
issueSummary A breakdown of issue severity counts:
  • bestPractices
  • critical
  • minor
  • moderate
  • needsReview
  • serious
needsReview An array of needs review issues containing the following properties:
  • name (the name of the accessibility rule)
  • count (the number of times the issue type has been raised within given saved test)
  • mode (how the issue was found – “automated” or “manual”)
standard The WCAG standard set at the time of export.
testingEndDate The date/time that automated or Intelligent Guided Testing last occurred.
testingStartDate The date/time that the first automated test was performed for the saved test.
url The URL which the automated scan was run on.


Along with minor bug fixes, axe DevTools v4.21 enables Pro users to export the data for an entire saved test. We would like to thank our users for giving us the great feedback that led to this feature addition!

If you’re not currently using axe DevTools Pro, you can try it free (no payment needed).

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