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photo of CB Averitt

CB Averitt

CB Averitt is a Principal Consultant with Deque Systems. He has been in web development for over 17 years and has experience with front-end and back-end development as well as design and user experience. He has completed hundreds of assessments and remediations in numerous technologies. He has conducted many at major accessibility conferences such as CSUN’s “Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference” as well as Knowbility’s “John Slatin AccessU.” CB is a scuba instructor and a drummer, but not usually at the same time. CB has completed hundreds of assessments and remediations in numerous technologies such as web, PDF, and mobile. He has performed numerous presentations across the State of South Carolina. He has presented at major accessibility conferences such as CSUN’s “Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference” as well as Knowbility’s “John Slatin AccessU”. CB has been a volunteer with The South Carolina Assistive Technology Advisory Committee (SC ATAC) for over 9 years.