Headshot of Mark Nichols
axe-con presenter in 2025

Pronouns: He/him

Mark Nichols is the Senior Director for Universal Design and Accessible Technologies at Virginia Tech.  He works within the Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies (TLOS) unit of the Division of IT.  Prior to coming to VT in 2017, Mark spent 15 years working for Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia as the Supervisor for Assistive Technology and Division Level Administrator for Accessible Materials.  Mark is an active member of the National AEM Advisory Committee, Chair of the Virginia Higher Education Accessibility Partners (VHEAP), and Secetary/Treasurer of the UDL Higher Education Network with the UDL-IRN.  Mark has a personal interest in the maker movement and connections to the field of Assistive Technology.

On a personal level, Mark is a Scoutmaster with a Blacksburg scout troop and enjoys a variety of outdoor sports and recreational adventures with his family.  The scout motto “Be Prepared” is a vital component of both professional and personal endeavors.  Other interests include photography, music, racing cars, gardening, traveling to islands, and managing day-to-day responsibilites on the family hobby-farm.

Date and Time
Panel: Digital Accessibility in Higher Education
Mark Nichols, Eudora Struble, Al Nemec, Organizational Success with Accessibility,
02/26/2025 at 1:00pm US/Eastern
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